Our weekend in Savannah came and went quickly and we didn't get to do everything on our to-do list---eat pizza at one of my favorites, vinnie van go-go's (so sad)----learn how to cook Vietnamese food (but we sure ate lots of it and boy was it yuuuuuuummy!)---go on a ghost tour...
but it was so great to see everyone and finally meet the twins!
It seemed like all we did was eat all weekend long! Mothergoose had her first taste of grits and eggs, Mommy D's egg rolls & bun thit heo nuong (2 of my favorites!!!). Bun thit heo nuong is a Vietnamese rice noodle dish served with grilled pork. yum!
bun thit heo nuong
In helping Mommy D prepare for the baby shower, I had my first experience of peeling shrimp. I can't even say i enjoyed it just a little bit...it only confirmed my reasons why i don't eat shrimp unless its deep fried and tastes more like a coconut than a shrimp! She made a wonderful spread of vietnamese dishes with enough left overs to feed us for the entire weekend!! How lucky we are that she's such an amazing cook! Mothergoose copied down some of her recipies so we can make them back home in Chicago.
vietnamese spread and michael's head
Our trip to the Pirate House was another delicious meal despite the fact that the crab stew didn't agree with Captain J and i forgot my eye patch and Arrrlene at home :( We enjoyed a southern buffet with Honey Pecan Chicken, Squash Casserole, Sweet Potatoes, Buttermilk Biscuits, Banana Pudding & more!

poor Juan!
My favorite part of the trip was definitely spending time with the babies. Although babies don't have much of a personality until they're a bit older, I found myself in awe, staring at them for hours!! Everything about them is so sweet...their tiny little fingers, their baby smell, the funny faces they make when they're stretching AND pooping! Ahhh sweetness!