Last night was ohhh sooo wonderful! Friends, champagne, thai food and Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States!! What more could a person ask for?!?! The only thing I could've asked of myself was to stay awake for the last 17 minutes of his rally in Chicago so i could hear his victory speech. But in true Allen fashion, I passed out on the couch right before he took the stage. Not to worry, on my morning break at work i was able to watch his speech online and was sincerely moved...shedding a small tear.
In searching the internet to find his victory speech, I also came across so many interesting blogs reporting on the campaigns, the election and Barack's victory. Most were positive but of course theres always a few cynics. I thought i would share.....
** This
blog has some great images of people from all over the world and their reaction to Barack's victory.
**Below is an excerpt from another blog which shall remain nameless. Boy, they must feel stupid after last night! Could you imagine if this guy was elected?!?

" I don’t know who on Obama’s campaign had the bright idea to base their campaign strategy on a huge turnout of young people. Have they actually met any young people? Let’s face it, young people today are the least reliable, laziest, stupidest generation in our nation’s history. If we had known that baby boomers would end up spawning such spoiled, self-absorbed progeny, we would have had them all sterilized. Historically, young people don’t show up to vote, anyway, but this year promises to be even worse. Just as Obama Girl couldn’t manage to vote in the primary because she had to wash her hair or something, most young people won’t be able to summon up the energy to get out of bed or stop playing their video games long enough to show up and vote for Obama. I’d be surprised if these dimwits even know how voting works. On Election Day, I expect, millions of young people will be frantically texting their friends trying to find out the number of the Obama hotline to call to cast their vote. Unfortunately, these idiots are our future. I hope I die before they get old."
Congratulations to everyone young & old for voting!
For that is the true genius of America – that America can change. Our union can be perfected. And what we have already achieved gives us hope for what we can and must achieve tomorrow. --Barack Obama 11/4/08